Benefits of a Monthly Massage
Living an active and healthy lifestyle has its benefits, as it promotes a clean and balanced life, especially for people with busy schedules. While some people may find it difficult to squeeze in some “me time,” knowing that doing so helps reduce stress levels and relax – things that can be easily overlooked and taken for granted.
Making an effort to find time for your body to relax, regenerate and recharge is a very important aspect of life. Allow your body to heal and thereby prepare your body to once again face a hectic and very active lifestyle. Giving your body time to rest, even for a short while, does wonders for your bodily functions and systems.
One of the most popular ways to get some well-deserved rest and muscle relaxation is through a full-body massage, a method that is rapidly becoming popular among people of a wide age range.
Whether you are a young professional who loves the daily grind of the urban jungle or a middle-aged executive who lives a busy lifestyle with a dynamic family life, body massage could help you a lot. Senior citizens who need to take care of themselves need even more regular massage sessions to help prevent different diseases from affecting their already fragile bodies.
As a method, massages are quite convenient as it only takes at least an hour and your body and mind will be refreshed and rested. Massage therapy provides countless physical and mental benefits, much needed in times of stress and overwork. Read on to know some of the health benefits of monthly massage.
Manage stress and anxiety
Numerous studies have confirmed that massage is instrumental in reducing stress. For example, a 2016 study found that patients with anxiety disorders who receive regular massage therapy show substantially reduced symptoms.
Researchers link this improvement to the “feel-good” chemicals the body releases during and after a massage. It’s no wonder that therapy patients who make regular appointments with their massage therapists report a dramatic reduction in stress levels.
Relax your muscles
Regular massage relaxes tense muscles. Whether muscle pain comes from an intense workout or sitting in front of a computer for hours, there’s nothing better for relieving chronic pain than a sports massage.
We tend to carry a lot of muscle tension in our neck and back muscles. As such, these muscle groups need special treatment, which is why many practitioners recommend monthly treatments rather than periodic or one-time visits.

Increases blood flow and circulation
Our muscles and organs require oxygen to heal and function properly; this is one of the main benefits of massage as it stimulates blood flow.
Massage therapy helps promote increased flow of oxygen and other important nutrients to our blood. This relieves back pain, heals sore muscles, and is beneficial for overall health and well-being. These benefits are enhanced by receiving regular massage therapy.
Provides relief from lower back pain
Many Americans suffer from lower back pain due to sitting in front of a computer all day or working out at the gym.
As a result, the muscles in your back become strained due to repetitive or overuse. Getting regular massages is one of the best ways to properly relieve tension and reduce pain.
Improves mood
Aside from anxiety and stress relief, massage therapy can also be instrumental in lifting your mood. Since our brain produces happy hormones like serotonin, dopamine, etc. during a massage session, anyone suffering from high anxiety levels can benefit.
Relieves the symptoms of fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a long-term condition that causes widespread pain and is often associated with mood swings and sleep problems. In some cases, it can also cause fatigue and flu-like symptoms. Those who suffer from this condition may sometimes experience stiffness and pain in the muscles of their back.
Improve sleeping habits
Sleep is vital to good health. Whether you have difficulty falling asleep or simply struggle to sleep through the night, massage therapy acts as a sedative and rivals any sleeping pill.
Massage techniques help patients sleep because massage helps release serotonin in the body, inducing deep relaxation. Since massage therapy means a constant flow of neurotransmitters, massage almost ensures quality sleep, night after night.
If one massage session can improve your sleep, imagine what monthly massages can do.
Enjoy the amazing benefits of massage therapy at Spa Restoration Center
Not only will massage techniques help with rest and relaxation, but your body will also thank you as it becomes healthier after each session.
If you would like to learn more about the benefits of massage therapy, please contact us at Spa Restoration Center.
Schedule an appointment with us by calling 571 487 8889
or visiting https://sparestorationcenter.com/
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