7 benefits of relaxing massages for body and mind
What is a relaxing massage and what is it for?
Relaxing massage is a manual therapy whose main objective is to relieve tension and achieve a state of mental relaxation and mental well-being, prioritizing gentle manipulations and strokes, as opposed to the abrupt movements of the masseuse that are more typical of therapeutic or muscle-relaxing massage.
The advantages of a relaxing massage extend well beyond providing the body and mind with a profound sense of relaxation and well-being.
One of the best ways to eliminate stress is a good relaxing massage. Imagine being in a good massage center, lying comfortably on a massage table with dim lighting, a very pleasant aroma and soft music while a masseuse works your entire body gently with pressure, friction or rhythmically hitting certain parts of the body with intensity and direction.
Although massages are usually performed with the hands, sometimes the feet or elbows may be used, or instruments such as bamboo, hot stones or rollers, depending on the type of massage and the area it is targeted at.
Why massage is important
Relaxing massage is a hands-on therapy that improves overall well-being. However, its advantages extend beyond simply inducing deep relaxation and comfort, offering a range of physical and mental health benefits.
It has been proven that massages benefit the skin, muscles, digestive system, nervous and respiratory systems, hormone production and normalization, and directly influence people’s mood.
The areas that usually require massages are the neck, back and waist. Stress and nerves affect the neck and back the most, while the waist is more affected by bad movements or carrying inappropriate weights.
Physiologically, a relaxing massage generates in the body, among other benefits: an increase in temperature, activation of circulation, stimulation of tissue nutrition, a decrease in edema, relaxation and improvement of muscle metabolism.
7 benefits of a relaxing massage:
- They help combat anxiety and depression. Relaxing massages help release serotonin, a hormone responsible for maintaining a person’s mood.
- They help relax the muscles, improve flexibility and release the tension that builds up in them. They help reduce tension headaches, migraines and back contractures.
- They reduce blood pressure, promote venous return and activate circulation, which means that there is a greater supply of oxygen to the body. The better the blood circulates and is oxygenated, the better our skin will look.
- They promote the elimination of toxins by improving blood flow to lymphatic organs such as the liver and kidneys.
- In women, they reduce premenstrual symptoms thanks to increased blood circulation in the area, which reduces inflammation prior to the cycle.
- They help create a state of deep tranquility, as they reduce the secretion of cortisol, which is common in stressful situations.

Be careful with massages if you suffer from any of these pathologies:
Although relaxing massages, as we have seen, are very beneficial for the body and mind, there are people for whom they are contraindicated:
- People who have undergone back or spinal surgery
- People with vascular diseases such as thrombophlebitis.
- People with a significant rheumatic disease.
- People with osteoporosis
- People with bleeding diseases.
- People with fractures, open wounds.
- People with skin diseases.
Enjoy your relaxing massage, you will definitely come back.
There are different types of relaxing massages, ranging from those that require long, gentle strokes to those that require short, more pressure on the body, using or not oils and lotions. Before booking a massage at a spa or massage center, ask what types of massages they do and what their specialty is. At a good massage center, the masseuse can customize your massage, depending on your age, condition, or any special needs or goals you have.
A relaxing massage session usually lasts between 30 and 90 minutes, depending on the type of massage and the time you have available for it. No matter what type of massage you choose, you should feel calm and relaxed during and after the massage. Breathe normally throughout the massage.
If the massage therapist is using too much pressure, ask him or her to use less pressure. Sometimes you may have a tender spot in a muscle that feels like a knot. It may cause discomfort while the therapist is working on it. But if you feel pain, let him or her know.
At Spa Restoration Center we have a complete menu of relaxing massages that you can enjoy alone or with your partner.
Check out our massages on offer and book the session that best suits you to enjoy a very special relaxing and revitalizing experience in the hands of our expert masseuses.
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