Lymphatic massage, also known as manual lymphatic drainage, is a specialized massage technique designed to stimulate the lymphatic system, promoting the flow of lymph and aiding in the removal of toxins and waste products from the body.         

Physiological benefit, lightness and relaxation in the same session.


How Does The Body Restoration Spa Work In Our Body


It is a type of massage developed in the 1930s by Dr. Vodder, initially aimed at the treatment of post-surgical edema and currently consolidated for its important aesthetic benefits.

To understand it better: lymphatic circulation is parallel to venous circulation, flowing through fine capillaries from the external part of the tissues and the intercellular space until reaching the lymph nodes (purifier) and finally the blood.

Lymphatic fluid (lymph) carries larger particles than blood and is therefore denser, slower to transport and easily stagnates. This accumulation of lymph occurs in certain areas of our body and manifests itself as soft swellings, which are called lymphatic edema.

Lymphatic fluid (lymph) carries larger particles than blood and is therefore denser, slower to transport and easily stagnates. This accumulation of lymph occurs in certain areas of our body and manifests itself as soft swellings, which are called lymphatic edema.

Manual drainage activates the functioning of the lymphatic system. Through a very gentle technical massage, the stagnant lymph (edema) is moved to healthy lymphatic areas, then it is guided to the lymph nodes so that it drains and finally flows into the venous system.

The manual technique makes swelling caused by accumulation or" fluid retention" disappear, the area regains its normal appearance of elasticity and smoothness; we will feel less heavy and move more easily, since it will be easier for our muscles to work.


A warm, welcoming and modern environment, with spacious, clean and comfortable rooms.
The Benefits of Restoration Massage

Each drainage massage is unique. We always carry out an initial in-depth assessment from a health perspective.

How Does The Body Restoration Spa Work In Our Body

We adapt and personalize the treatment according to the results of the assessment and the needs of the patient.

Major Differences of Restorative Massage and Deep Tissue Massage

The specialization of our registered physiotherapists in manual lymphatic drainage, experts in the Vodder and Leduc methods, guarantees the best results.


Regardless of the method used or the area affected, all lymphatic drainage has the same objective: to direct lymph and interstitial fluid to the lymph nodes, thus improving circulation.

It is always the first area we treat in a drainage massage. We take special care if we treat patients with hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism so as not to aggravate the disorders they cause.

It is very useful to prevent fibrosis and help in the reabsorption of the hematoma. It generally contributes to overcoming the recovery phase in a faster and safer way. It is also advisable to perform MLD sessions before undergoing liposuction.

This is the most commonly used drainage after breast cancer, since in many cases axillary lymph nodes or chains are removed, which causes swelling of the arm. Manual lymphatic drainage in the upper limb covers the area from the neck to the fingers of the hand.

This is the most requested drainage, whether to avoid fluid retention, reduce inflammation, relieve circulatory problems or relax tired or heavy legs. In these cases we treat the entire leg, from the groin to the feet.

The abdominal area, just like the neck, is a region that we always address in any lymphatic drainage due to the large number of lymph nodes it presents and its anatomical importance in relation to the rest of the body.

Pregnant women can receive a drainage massage without any problem. There is no specific contraindication or danger for the baby, although our professionals will assess each case from a health point of view before beginning the treatment. Manual lymphatic drainage is especially useful to minimize the discomfort that may appear due to the changes that the body undergoes during pregnancy, such as fluid retention, a feeling of swelling, localized inflammation, etc.

Our rates

face lymphatic drainage massage

$ 89 / 30 min

Full Body Lymphatic Drainage Massage

$ 139 / 60 min

stomach lymphatic drainage massage

$ 149 / 60 min


Manual lymphatic drainage is a non-invasive and painless treatment , recommended for the vast majority of patients, which has multiple beneficial effects on our body that can be appreciated from the first session.

The massage that eliminates fluid retention

Our Process

preparation of Facial Massage


Process of Lymphatic Facial Massage


A women Taking facial lymphatic drainage massage



We value our customers and we show that by providing high quality luxurious service. 

5555 Columbia Pike, #101

Arlington (Arlington Mill), Virginia

Open 7 days a week, 10 AM – 8 PM

Phone: 571-312-7792